And the key w3coded rail code corresponds to the number of rails. ,When we w3coded rail code reach the bottom rail, we traverse upwards w3coded rail code moving diagonally, after reaching the top rail, w3coded rail code the direction is changed again. Once we’ve got w3coded rail code the matrix we can figure-out the spots where w3coded rail code texts should be placed (using the same way of w3coded rail code moving diagonally up and down alternatively w3coded rail code ).,As we’ve seen earlier, the number of w3coded rail code columns in rail fence cipher remains equal to w3coded rail code the length of plain-text message. GroupRemainder = PrintRail(i, text, rails, groupRemainder, GROUP_WIDTH) Ĭonst string example = "WE ARE DISCOVERED.In the rail fence cipher, the plain-text is w3coded rail code written downwards and diagonally on successive w3coded rail code rails of an imaginary fence.,Hence, rail matrix w3coded rail code can be constructed accordingly. PrintRail will inform how many characters remain to be filled in the last group. Text.erase(remove_if(text.begin(), text.end(), not1(ptr_fun(isalpha))), text.end())

remove any non characters from the string. Void PrintRailFenceSypher (string text, const int rails) Return the amount of characters left to be places on the current group. Now advance to the index of the next character. Index += PyramidLineRows(railcount - 2 - rail) Go past the relevant character of the supplied string. Modify it's because it's index is used to calculate the row of the pyramid later on. The last rail is identical to the first rail aside from it's starting index. Meaning visually the text is going downwards on the rail. We are starting inverted on anything but the last rail. Int PrintRail(int rail, const string text, const int railcount, int groupRemainder, const int groupSize) The rail system consists of pyramids that alternate between inverted and non-inverted to form the zigzag-ing line. Int PrintRail (int rail, const string text, const int railcount, int groupRemainder, const int groupSize) Int PyramidLineRows (const int rowIndex) Mainly done because it seemed fun, but posted it in case you find it useful. It's probably better to read with a 2D array though. Quick lunch break experiment that doesn't use a two dimensional array. Quickly looked over the article and the modifications seem to match what you're probably trying to do. I'm currently not in a position where I can afford reading such an article but can do so once at home. Will read the wikipedia article you linked once some of these basic things are sorted out. Void REVIEW_OF_GRIDS_FIRST_79_CHARACTERS() Also changed the return type to void as I don't know what you expect it to return. It's also 80 characters not 79 but it depends on the constant. While(user_choice != 6 & user_choice != 7) (user_choice != 6 || user_choice != 7) is always true as it can't assume 2 values at the same time. So if I understand correctly, the pattern desides the rows to write in while the character index determines the column? Apply the pattern to every character of the plaintext.

I guess that would be a limit of your program because it would otherwise overwrite grid items.įor(unsigned int plaintext_counter = 0, row_counter = 0 plaintext_counter = PATTERN_SIZE) Also, what will you do when the entered plaintext has more than GRID_COLUMNS characters? grid_position_X is equal to plaintext_counter? I removed it. If 99 is irrelvant, why include it? I removed it.Ĭonst unsigned int PATTERN_SIZE = sizeof(grid_row) / sizeof(int) Wouldn't do function names in caps, but that's a style thing I guess. Without knowing what rail fence cypher is or how it works I think I do understand what you are trying to do and I tried to correct it.
I'm not familiar with Rail Fence cypher but at a first glance your code is full of odd things. PROBLEMS are that it doesn't show more than 5 chars on choice 4 and on choice 3 it shows always 2 Int REVIEW_OF_GRIDS_FIRST_79_CHARACTERS(int four) //int four is unimportant Int grid_row = //012101210121 is pattern and 99 is irrelevantįor(int plaintext_counter = 0 plaintext_counter > menu_choice Int REVIEW_OF_GRIDS_FIRST_79_CHARACTERS(int four)

This is wiki site of what am trying to do #include